Friday, August 1, 2008

Mommy's grumpy

Everybody went to the ocean today but me cause I went to work like a dummy. It's a beautiful perfect 80 degree day and there are boogie boards involved. OK whining out of the way. I'm glad everyone is having a good time. I just wish I was with them. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few days at the beach when I take vacation in September. One of my favorite things about unschooling is no back to school. Whatever Liz plans to do this fall will start in October. She's having a ball this summer with her crew. Once they go back to school I'm on vacation then it's time for Not Back to School Camp. After camp she and mom are doing a few days in Vermont then she plans on crashing for a week or two before getting into fall activities. Good times.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the comments at my blog! I'm a total airhead when it comes to checking, so I just now noticed that you left a comment in June! that's it's August, thanks. I hope you're enjoying the summer in the city...