Saturday, June 7, 2008

Visit to Annie's book swap

In the car on the way to Lizzy's friends house we were chatting about this and that and were talking about the Monday night at the church this week. It is a discussion about the works of Thoreau. I mentioned I'd like to read Thoreau but never have. As huge a reader as I am I shy away from the "classics". Most likely one of my school issues. I love books and reading but the whole "what did the author mean by that" crap is totally boring to me. Unless the author want to let me know what they meant how should I know if the teachers opinion means anything. Liz was also interested in Thoreau so off I went to the used book store. I got Walden, a book of Robert Frost poems, 2 auto biographies Katherine Hepburn & Ellen DeGeneres and The Four Agreements. Some for me some for her and hopefully some will intersect. Oh and a totally cute Monarch butterfly book mark. That's for me!

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